Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sparkle Diapers!

One of us (rhymes-with-Bailey) has a...potty problem.

Not in real life, not during tests, or job interviews, or in middle of dinner, but at the worst possible moment: the climax of a movie. Up she gets, leaves the sweet, succulent darkness of the theater and goes off to some dirty cinema bathroom...leaving her movie going partner-in-crime (rhymes-with-Fizz) to fill her in on what came to pass in her absence. It is as infuriating as Michele Bachmann and as constant as the sunrise...

It all began when we went to see Borat: Cultural Learnings of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Rhymes-with-Bailey returned right smack in the middle of the now infamous Borat-on-hairy-man naked hotel wrestling scene and was thoroughly scarred for life. Like...apoplectic, catatonic, bug-eyed scarred. 

And rhymes-with-Fizz had to fill her in on why that had come to pass. Then comfort her. 

ANYWAY we went on with life for a time. Then we went to see Twilight. And, y'all, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? 


Hence the inspiration for Sparkle Diapers. We're actively courting investors to help us produce and market them! They will sparkle just like in the picture. It will be glorious. If you wear white pants, you can share your sparkle butt with the world and really show your Twihard pride. Screw this disturbing Etsy crapola. Sparkle Diapers are where it's at. They'll even come in baby sizes, for the little Bellas and Edwards in your life. SO much hipper than those silly denim diapers.

But wait! There's more! Sparkle Diapers are also exceptionally useful for when you accidentally pee yourself with excitement upon seeing Taylor Lautner shirtless. Or if you're camping out for the premiere of, say, Eclipse and the Starbucks bathroom line is just too damn long.

So what are you waiting for? Order yours today!


The excitement has made it - almost - all the way to the Supreme Court! We present the evidence:

Who said confirmation hearings can't be fun?!

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