Full disclosure: I was a total book dork as a child (and dork-dork, but that's another story...). I was known for my ability to read for hours at a time, completely unaware of people coming, going, asking me questions, holding a gun to my head, etc. If I could bottle that level of focused joy and sell it, I'd put Adderall out of business.
But this is not some Wordsworthian lament for lost youthful exuberance. I'm just here to marvel that, despite my years of avid, geeky reading, I somehow missed out on the JOY that is Anne of Green Gables. According to my mother, I was a particularly stubborn child - although I remember being nothing but a delight - and at some point in my wayward youth I got it into my head that I did not want to read the books or watch the miniseries and successfully avoided them for well over the next decade.